From Small to Tall Inc.

Heal yourself
The Plan
Heal yourself
Domestic Violence
Teen Domestic Violence

There are so many women that are broken, so many women that have been told at least once in their lives that they weren't good enough.  Women that have been told if you would change this or that, they would be loved more.  Amazingly enough, the more you hear it or even hearing it once can make us doubt ourselves.  Well women, it is time for us to change that!  We need to heal from the inside out.  We need to see how amazing we are, believe it and build on it.

Ways to Enjoy your life

1.  End your workday or your day at least 30 minutes early. Most of us don't have a job that we can clock out 30 minutes early so, end your day 30 minutes early. 

2. Let go of the workweek.  Leave work at work.  Don't spend your off time thinking about your job or co-workers unless they are friends.

3. Enjoy a special meal with family or friends.  It is important to reconnect with those we love.  Sitting down together and enjoying a good meal is a great way to do that.  Use candles so you have to really focus on the people around you.

4. Set aside time to be intimate.  Take the time to reconnect with your significant other.

5. Give a blessing to a child.  Children are so innocent, and are learning all of the time.  Set aside time to really connect and teach a child, it shows them they are an important part of this big world.

6. Go for a drive, walk, or hike.  Take the time to "smell the roses"!  Marvel in the wonders of nature.  Breathe in the outdoors.  We spend so much time between 4 walls, break out and get out!

7. Find your way to contemplate things.  Be it listening to music that touches you, reading the bible or inspirational books, praying, meditation or just deep breathing.  It is imparitive that you are able to find your center.  That is where decision making, inner peace making, and "girding our loins" all takes place.

8. LAUGH! Sometimes that is the only way we can keep from crying! Laughter can change our mood immediately. Think of something funny your kids said, think of that joke you heard last week, a funny part from your favorite movie.  It is important for us to laaugh at ourselves, otherwise we take ourselves and life too damn seriously. 

9. Express your gratitude.  Think of 5 things every day that you are grateful for.  Make it a part of your daily life, and you will begin to find more and more things you are grateful for.  Find things outside of yourself.  Your family and friends are great, but there are so many more things in the world to be grateful for!

10. Take a nap.  There is nothing wrong with taking some downtime!  Naps are rejuvinating, and can help you relax if you are overly stressed.  Being worn out usually makes things worse. Dreaming is also our problem solving and coping system.

Steps to building or rebuilding self confidence.

1. You have to make the DECISION to suceed!  Same as going to a rehab program, you have to admit you are addicted to hating yourself.  Then you have made the first baby step.

2. You have to teach yourself to be positive.  Not self delusional, but positive.  When you start to think of something negative, STOP, take a deep breath and look at the situation again.  Find 1 thing postive and build on that.  Sometimes it is  a moment by moment thing. 

3. Find a group to join. Become part of a team, there is no I in team so it gives you the chance to look outside of yourself and your problems.  Helping someone else is a great way to make them and you feel better!  Knowing you have changed a person's life even for a moment, or a little bit is empowering! It also gives someone to do the same for you!  Don't let your insecurities rob someone else of the blessing of helping someone else.

4.  Set goals.  Start small and work your way up to more difficult or longer term goals.  It is very important to boosting your self worth.  Finding that you can accomplish things from start to finish.  It's ok if you fall off of the wagon from time to time, no one is perfect. Just start over and try again. 

5. Learn something new. Show yourself just how smart you are.  Feel the frustration and enlightenment of learning, the joy and pride when you accomplish it There are classes to learn just about anything, or you can find something you are interested in and teach yourself.  Cooking is a great example because you can do either one.  Craft projects are another example.

6. Make a list of your good qualities, and a list of things you want to improve.  Everyone can make a list. Those that have low self-esteem will have a longer side of things they want to improve, those with higher self-esteem should be more of a balanced list.  Remember, be positive but honest.  If you are a liar, then put that on your list however you see that characteristic.  You will later look at this list and see how far you have come.

7. Make a collage of the things you like.  Yes, it is something you did when you were a child, but you are starting back at one.  You might be surprised at the things you pick.  Don't think too hard about it, if you like it, cut it and paste.  Then write beside it why you like it.  Yes, you have time, use the time you spend sitting on your behind watching T.V.  We are women, we multi-task.

 8.Sit up straight. You may not think this is an important facor, but if  you are slouched over, you are giving the impression you have given up or that you aren't good enough.   Keep your head up, how can you see the future if you are too busy looking at the ground?  You are just as important as everyone around you, ACT like it.  You know the saying "Fake it 'til you make it". Sometimes appearance is everything.

9. Everyday, look at yourself in the mirror and find one thing you like about your appearance.  Tell yourself you are a BAD MOHTA!  Laugh at yourself.  Have a heart to heart with yourself.  No, you are not crazy!  Pretend you are talking to someone else.  Give yourself a pep talk.  Say I love you, even if you aren't sure why, SAY IT!

10. Get a notepad.  Throughout your day, jot down what you are thinking, how you are feeling.  Write down the things that make you smile, cry, happy, scared, anxious.  Take time out of your day and have ME time.  Use this time to read the notes you have made, make notes of the notes.  EVERYDAY.  

This is not an overnight cure, things that make a real difference are not quick fixes.  This is work sister!  We are in a positon as women to mold our children.  They are watching and listening to EVERYTHING we do!  It is so important for us to teach them to be strong, confident, independent people, and productive members of society.  What would happen if we didn't teach them confidence? Do you think our society would be what it is? NO, it would not.  It would be full of people too scared to do anything, a society full of people who don't believe in themselves and afraid to take a chance on anything.  The world as we know it would come to a screeching halt!  I leave you with this, good luck beautiful Women!  You are smart, you are capable, you are amazing, you are great, you are good enough!  Love yourself as much as everyone around you does, stop slighting yourselves! 

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